NEW Student Enrollment
Welcome to Masuda Middle School Enrollment
We are excited to be part of your child's educational journey. Our staff is dedicated to providing high-quality learning experiences that support both academic and social-emotional development.
Online Enrollment Information
- Online enrollment for new students for the 2024-25 school year is now open.
- Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year will begin on Friday, February 21, 2025.
Guidelines for Enrolling Your Child
- Check the Grade Placement Chart for age-based enrollment requirements.
- Use the FVSD Boundaries Map to identify your assigned school.
- Review the Parents Guide to Immunizations to ensure compliance.
- Select the correct school when enrolling your child.
New Student Enrollment Process
Step 1: Complete Aeries Online Enrollment
- Fill out the Aeries Online Enrollment Confirmation.
- Once completed, PRINT the confirmation document (single-sided printing only).
- Aeries is incompatible with mobile devices; please use a computer, laptop, or Chromebook.
Step 2: Fill Out the Enrollment Forms
Download, complete, save,e and print the New Student Online Enrollment forms:
Step 3: Provide Required Documents
Submit electronic copies of the following documents:
- Two proofs of residence (refer to accepted documents)
- Immunization record (required for school entry) (Must have all to start school to comply with California Law)
- Proof of age (refer to accepted documents)
- Parent photo ID (Driver's License or Passport)
- Most recent State Testing Results (SBAC)
- Verification of GATE status (if applicable)
- Most recent report card
- Any special program documentation - Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan (if applicable)
Step 4: Submit Your Enrollment Documents
Once all forms and documents are ready, submit them:
- In person at the Talbert Middle School office
- By email: [email protected]
Questions? Contact the Masuda Office front office staff.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 714-378-4250