Attendance » Reporting Absences

Reporting Absences

Attendance & Tardy Information
Parents are urged to e-mail the office at: [email protected]. If parents have not had any contact with the office upon the student’s return, the student must have a note signed by a parent stating the following information:
  • Student name
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason for the absence

If they do not have a note or no email/phone contact has been made, the student will be considered unexcused from school.  Students are not allowed to participate in after-school activities on any day on which they are absent.  In addition, students will be held accountable for all assignments and classwork from lessons during their absences.


Students are expected to be on time to school each morning and are expected to be in class each period before the bell rings.  Tardiness will only be excused in the event of an illness, medical/dental appointment, or any of the identified excusals for full-day absences per ED Code 46010.  Excused tardies MUST be verified by the parent in person or with a note at the time the student arrives at school.  Missing the bus, oversleeping, traffic, and/or weather are NOT excuses per Ed Code.  Students who fail to have proper verification or who have unexcused tardies are subject to the following consequences:

1st-3rd unexcused tardies = warning (no detention)

4th unexcused tardies= 30-minute detention

5th and 6th unexcused tardies  = 60-minute detention

7th unexcused tardy = Saturday School

8th unexcused tardy = case by case, at principal's discretion (contract, loss of school event, SARB referral, required attendance at a District Attorney meeting).

* Starts over with the new trimester

  • EXCUSED: Illness, medical or dental appointments, death in the immediate family, quarantine, or immunization exclusion.
  • UNEXCUSED: Court appearances, vacation trips, shopping, working, transportation breakdown, family celebrations, missing the bus, negligence, oversleeping, or suspension.
  • TRUANCIES Absences without parent knowledge or consent, either partial or full day, leaving school grounds during the day without permission, or staying out of class without permission are considered truancies. Major offenders will be referred to the Fountain Valley School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

If a student becomes ill at school, s/he is to request permission from the teacher to report to the student office.  If the student is too ill to remain at school, we will call the parent or guardian to come for the student.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is the student to leave the school grounds without the school’s knowledge or to contact the parent via his/her personal cell phone.  Contact must be made in the Office.